A book open flat, with the pages folded into a heart and the title "What to Look for in Your First Chapter"

What to Look for in Your First Chapter

While I tend to read more than the first pages based on the premise, because starting in the wrong place is really common, those first pages can make or break an entry when it’s on submission to an agent or publishing editor—or a reader if you’re self-publishing.

The Heroine’s Journey

When we talk about structure, I often reference 3-Act Structure and the Hero's Journey. While many novels are based on those two, there are other formats that are equally valid,…

The Hero’s Journey Overview

As much as I love the 3-Act Structure, it's important to look at other forms of story structure. One of the most popular fantasy structures (though it is also used…

Going Beyond 3 Act Structure

3 act structure is the standard for the publishing industry so I think every writer should have a good basic understanding of it. But once you've learned 3 Act Structure,…

Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

It comes as a surprise to some people that a lot of #authors are visual learners. And even if you aren't a visual learner, sometimes getting away from ✨ yet…